Getting Started with Shopify

Learn how you can integrate Trezoro with Shopify.

Written by JedLast update 7 months ago

1. Install the Trezoro App on Shopify. Under your Installed Apps, look for the Trezoro app and click on it - this should direct you to the Trezoro dashboard.

2. Once you're in the Trezoro dashboard, you may now create your rewards program! There are 5 highly customizable reward types to choose from. 

3. You can set up as many rewards under a single reward type. For instance, you may set up multiple Points Program. Make sure to set the Points Setting if you're setting up a point-based reward type.

4. Once you've set up your rewards program(s), your customers may already start earning points from their purchases at your online store. The customers may create their own accounts so they can see how many points they have, and which rewards are available to redeem.

5. If you need help with anything, customer support is just one click away! Our support is second to none! 

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