How do I cancel my account?

Find out how you can cancel Trezoro account.

Trezoro Loyalty + Rewards
Written by Trezoro Loyalty + RewardsLast update 11 months ago

We regret to hear that you're considering canceling your account. If there are any specific ways we can enhance our service or product to better meet your needs, please reach out to us using the contact button on this page. However, if you do proceed with the cancellation, kindly uninstall the app from your Clover account, and you will not incur future billing. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate your consideration.

A. From your Clover Dashboard:

1. Click More Tools

2. Search for Trezoro

3. Click the 3 Dots and select Uninstall App

B. From your Clover POS:

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